Re: Building Error And Solution Regarding The X11 Path 4,0/5 4146 reviews

10.1.1 How can I get a debugging log (a.k.a. Terminal output)? Run your application from the command line (see ). You can then copy the log from the screen and paste it into a file if it's short; otherwise redirect the output of wine to a file using a, e.g.

  1. Re: Building Error And Solution Regarding The X11 Path Of Exile

Cd /.wine/drivec/Games/Tron wine tron.exe & log.txt Important: Unless you have been asked specifically to provide a then do not do so. Simply follow the instructions above. Important: If you get a crash dialog while doing this, please click Close. Otherwise your log will be incomplete.

Important: If the resulting text file doesn't have names of C source files in it, your copy of wine probably lacks debugging symbols. Please either build wine from source, or install the debug symbols package. 10.1.2 How do I get a debug trace? Note: Please only use this procedure when instructed. In most cases a regular terminal output is enough (see above). When filing bugs, it is often necessary to get additional debug trace (generally +relay,+seh, but you might be asked for specific ). To retrieve a trace, run: WINEDEBUG=+relay,+seh,+tid wine yourprogram.exe /tmp/output.txt 2&1 Then attach /tmp/output.txt to the bug.

If the resulting file is larger than 1 MB, compress it with bzip2 or rzip before attaching. There are some cases where the bug seems to disappear when WINEDEBUG is used with the right channel. Please mention that in the bug report. For a list of debug channels that are available in Wine, see 10.2 Crashes and Freezes 10.2.1 My program froze up, how do I close it? If you ran the program from a terminal window by typing wine program.exe, you can usually just go back to that terminal window and press Ctrl+C.

If you ran the application some other way, such as from a launcher shortcut, then you can open up a terminal and forcibly kill the process: killall -9 Application.exe If you want to kill all Wine programs at once, you can run: wineserver -k You can also open up a Wine version of the Windows task manager by running wine taskmgr in a terminal. This will allow you to kill individual Wine processes. 10.2.2 My whole computer freezes, reboots, or shuts off when I run my game in Wine! If you are getting a complete deadlock and are unable to even use your mouse after running Wine, it's probably not a specific problem with the Wine software. Wine is a user-level process, and shouldn't be able to completely hang the operating system under any circumstances. Instead, Wine is likely exposing a deeper problem with the system, such as a defective hardware driver, a bad memory stick, or overclocking flakiness. It's often a graphics driver problem, in which case non-Wine apps might also be affected.

If running glxgears also crashes, it's definitely a graphics driver problem. The most common cause is upgrading to a new kernel without also updating the graphics drivers to match. Try reinstalling your graphics drivers. If the computer is a laptop and shutting itself off entirely, a likely cause is overheating.

Some laptops have problems with cooling to begin with, and the Linux ACPI code controlling fans is known to be buggy. If that doesn't help, ask for help on the wine-users forum.

Be sure to mention the name of the app, the version of Wine, the output of cat /etc/issue, lspci grep -i vga, and, if you're using the proprietary NVidia drivers, cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version. Maybe someone can help. 10.2.3 Every app I try to start crashes You may have a directory (aka wineprefix). For instance, if you install an app that starts a service when the system boots, and that service crashes, you'll see a crash every time you start wine.

To work around this, try and reinstall your apps, but skip the one that broke things. 10.3 Warning and Error Messages 10.3.1 My application says some DLL or font is missing. What do I do? Applications should come with all the DLLs they need (except for core Windows DLLs). They sometimes forget to, and rely on you to already have the DLL or font installed. You can install the missing DLL or font in several ways:. downloading it from the original creators of the runtime (e.g.

The easiest way to do this is with. install other applications which do include them. copy it from a licensed version of Windows installed on the same machine. Do not download DLLs or scripts from websites you do not know and trust! Fake or infected DLLs can cause you great pain, even on Wine.

See the for more information on winetricks. 10.3.2 Too many open files, ulimit -n probably needs to be increased Your operating system is probably living in the past, and has too low a hard limit on the number of open file descriptors.

(See for why raising the hard limit is the right thing to do, and why raising the soft limit by default is dangerous.) For Ubuntu and most modern versions of Linux, you can edit /etc/security/limits.conf as root, and change the line. hard nofile 2048 (or whatever the current limit is) to. hard nofile 8192 (The asterisk means 'for all users'.) Then log out and log in again, and do ulimit -H -n. It should show 8192 now, and Wine should have access to more file descriptors. Here's another method that's more portable (might even work on Mac OS X), but only works temporarily, and only raises the limit for apps started from the current terminal window: $ sudo bash # ulimit -n 8192 # su yourusername $ wine yourprogram.exe 10.3.3 preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 0000000 or winevdm: unable to exec ' application name': DOS memory range unavailable This issue is being followed in. The cause is a Linux kernel setting. Run cat /proc/sys/vm/mmapminaddr as root: if it does not equal 0 then running sysctl -w vm.mmapminaddr=0 as root can be used to temporarily fix the issue; to fix it permanently, add the line vm.mmapminaddr=0 to /etc/sysctl.conf.

Please record if you do this alteration, as the area Wine needs may change. See for more information. 10.3.4 Failed to use ICMP (network ping), this requires special permissions On.NIX systems ICMP ping requires use of raw sockets, which is limited to super user (root) only. And running Wine as root is a. Fortunately newer versions of Linux allow granular permission control to grant only required permissions to specified files. To allow Wine opening raw sockets run this command: sudo setcap capnetraw+epi /usr/bin/wine-preloader Note: This works with default binary Wine install only on most distros.

WineHQ packages install Wine to /opt/wine-stable, /opt/wine-devel/, or /opt/wine-staging. Self-compiled Wine will be located under /usr/local/bin.

The 64-Bit name is wine64-preloader. Third party Wine wrappers (such as PlayOnLinux) might keep Wine binary in other places. You will need to rerun the command after updating Wine.

To remove the permissions use: sudo setcap -r /usr/bin/wine-preloader 10.3.5 err:virtual:mapimage failed to set 60000020 protection on section.text, noexec filesystem? This can be caused by filesystems mounted with user or noexec options, or by SELinux. Make sure the app in question isn't on a funny filesystem, or try disabling SELinux temporarily. 10.3.6 Broken NVIDIA RandR detected, falling back to RandR 1.0 is a protocol used by applications to talk to the X server to change screen resolution, among other things. NVidia's proprietary drivers for GNU/Linux intentionally do not properly implement newer versions of RandR, which Wine normally relies upon. This could present problems, particularly in software that attempts to change resolution or output to multiple monitors.

(See ) The open source Nouveau driver is not affected by this issue, and is the recommended solution for users who do not need the proprietary driver for any of their apps or games. Users who require the proprietary driver should try the workaround described below.

Many applications will attempt to start in lower resolutions if (and only if) they are available - but will happily use a higher resolution if that is the only option. In this case, you may be able to avoid a crash on nVidia drivers by forcing your X server to only support your monitor's native resolution and nothing else. This has proven to work for a range of games.

To make this change to Xorg, edit (as root) /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the following line: Option 'metamodes' '1920x1080 +0+0' within the Screen section (changing 1920x1080 to whatever supported resolution you require). Upon restarting Xorg, you can test your changes using the xrandr command.

Xrandr should list your chosen resolution, and xrandr -q1 should do the same. There should not be any additional resolutions listed.

You may now re-test your Windows application, hopefully with more success. Remember to comment out the line and restart Xorg when you are finished if you need other resolutions working for other software. 10.4 Graphics 10.4.1 My application complains about being unable to change the resolution or color depth You generally need to edit the Screen section of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to support additional color depths and resolutions. There may also be a problem with Xrandr. 10.4.2 The application I am trying to run complains that it needs 256 colors but I have millions!

The inability to switch from 24bpp mode to 8bpp mode is a limitation of X, not a bug in Wine. See for some possible workarounds.

10.4.3 My X screen won't go back to its normal resolution after running a game fullscreen You can often work around this by changing the screen resolution and then changing it back again under the system preferences. Alternately, you can run this terminal command to restore your X settings: xrandr -s 0 10.4.4 I'm using Desktop Effects with Compiz, Fusion, or XGL and get poor performance/odd messages/broken applications Using compositing managers in X11 tends to cripple OpenGL performance or break OpenGL entirely (this does not apply to the Mac OS X compositor, which cannot be disabled). We recommend that you disable them entirely before trying to use Wine. If you are using one and experiencing slow performance then please do not file bugs in Wine, as these are bugs in your window manager or your video drivers. Also, disabling the Composite extension within /etc/X11/xorg.conf will most certainly prevent any compositing from affecting Wine. 10.4.5 Graphics in games with good ratings in AppDB are scrambled.

Retry using the latest graphics drivers. Most entries are based on NVIDIA/GeForce hardware running the proprietary driver. ATI/ AMD/ Radeon cards running the proprietary fglrx driver have problems in Wine. As a rule of thumb, at least games that use shaders are broken. See and for details. Other hardware (Intel/S3/Matrox etc.) will probably run only old (non-shader) games. Compatibility is not well tested.

Same for open source drivers as their 3D support is typically basic only. 10.4.6 Wine displays corrupted or missing text This may be, caused by the nvidia-96xx legacy driver, or, which affects QT 4.5.0 applications. It could also be caused by missing fonts, font conflicts, or adding new fonts to Wine. Try using a fresh Wine prefix (by moving or deleting /.wine, or changing the $WINEPREFIX environment variable). If you still have this problem, try setting the following in the Wine registry: HKEYCURRENTUSER Software Wine X11 Driver 'ClientSideWithRender'='N' Place above in a text file called norender.txt and it can be inserted into the registry with the command regedit norender.txt.

Please apply only as required. (This was reported as being required of OS X on the 1 Dec 2007, and more recently on other platforms, such as Ubuntu.) 10.4.7 Wine's windows and fonts are extremely large Sometimes you can use the Alt key and the mouse to move the winecfg window so you can reach the 'Screen Resolution' slider on the Graphics tab; slide it down. Changes will not effect the winecfg window until it's restarted. If that doesn't work, you can use this one line registry change (all one line): echo -e 'HKEYLOCALMACHINE System CurrentControlSet Hardware Profiles Current Software Fonts n 'LogPixels '=dword:60 n' wine regedit - If all fails, you could remove your /.wine directory and reinstall your Windows applications.

10.5 Sound 10.5.1 Audio in games sounds different from running in Windows A number of DirectSound features are not implemented (correctly) in Wine yet. Sound effects (echo etc.) are not implemented. Doppler effect is not implemented 10.5.2 MP3s do not play in Windows Media Player or applications that depend on it For MP3 sound to play out of the box in apps that use the WMP engine and codecs, you must have 32-bit libmpg123 installed on your system and Wine must have been compiled with MP3 support. Historically, not all dis­tros have provided this for legal reasons, though this problem should be much less widespread now that all mp3 patents have expired. For users still affected by this, the workaround for lack of libmpg123 and/or winemp3.acm is to use the codec installed by WMP9, l3cod­eca.acm. Copy l3codeca.acm to the wineprefix's /windows/system32 directory (or use winetricks to install WMP9), then create a symlink to it named winemp3.acm in the same directory. Wine will then use the native codec to play MP3s.

This only affects WMP and apps that rely on it for MP3 playback (including Powerpoint). Apps that install their own MP3 codec, such as Winamp or VLC Player, should be able to play MP3s without this workaround. 10.5.3 Bad or no sound on systems using PulseAudio Bad or no sound was a problem on some systems with Pulseaudio in older versions of Wine using the winealsa driver.

If you are using a version of Wine older than 1.8, please upgrade, as most such problems should be solved by the winepulse driver. If the problem still occurs, try unsetting the PULSELATENCYMSEC environment variable. Some distro packages (notably Debian) formerly set this variable to work around the sound issue with the winealsa driver, but it is not needed with the winepulse driver and may prevent sound from working.

10.6 Networking 10.6.1 My program fails to do networking, but my other applications can get online Note: These instructions are for older Wine installs. If you're using Wine 1.x and your application still fails to do networking, you can give this a try as well. If you're running Wine 1.x and below instructions work for you, file a bug so we can fix Wine to improve other people's experience. You need to make sure that your hostname resolves to the IP address of your network interface. To verify if you have this problem run hostname -i.


If it returned IP address starting from '127.' Then read on. To set this up correctly, you can type the following from a terminal: hostname This will return your hostname the way your computer sees it. Now, you need to open an editor with system administrator privileges, how you do this will depend on the distribution you are using. Open the file /etc/hosts and see if there is an entry for your hostname.

Assuming your hostname is 'yourhost' and your network IP address is, the entry might look like this: yourhost Change this to (or add, if there is no such line): yourhost For most Windows games with networking problems, this is all you need to get networking to work. 10.6.2 Why doesn't DNS resolve in 64-bit operating systems?

Many distributions don't provide all the 32-bit compatibility libraries that wine needs. In this case, wine needs 32-bit DNS libraries.

On Ubuntu/Debian, this package is libnss-mdns:i386. For other operating systems, the package name may differ. Consult your distribution's support channels.

10.7 Removable Media 10.7.1 My CD or DVD disc won't eject Try wine eject. It is a function to free up, unlock, and eject the drive. Make sure that the drive is mapped as a CD-ROM in winecfg and specify the drive letter in the command line, e.g.

Wine eject d: 10.7.2 The application's CD or DVD looks empty or is missing some files! Some discs are poorly mastered in a way that affects only Unix-based operating systems. You may need to use the 'unhide' or 'norock' mount options for these discs. Run mount once to see where the disc is mounted, then mount it again in the same place with the needed option (and the 'remount' option). Some assembly required. Examples: sudo mount -o remount,unhide /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom or sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro,unhide /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom0 See also your operating system's documentation, e.g.

Or 10.8 Input Devices 10.8.1 Some key combinations in my application do not work Even in full screen mode, window managers typically capture some keys. For example, in KDE and GNOME, Alt+Left Click is used to move the whole application window by default.

Thus, this key combination is not available to applications in Wine. You have to disable the colliding combinations in your window manager. For KDE, see Control Center/Window Behaviour or (better) Window-specific settings/Workarounds/Block global shortcuts. For GNOME, see System/Preferences/Windows and change the 'Movement Key' setting.

Also see System/Preferences/Keyboard Shortcuts for specific keyboard combinations. (Keywords: Keyboard, Shortcut, Modifier, Alt, Ctrl, Control.) 10.8.2 My mouse jumps around/resets its position often in games See. 10.9 Miscellaneous 10.9.1 My application runs, but text areas act strangely (e.g. Lines don't wrap, double-clicking doesn't select words) You may have run into a bug in Wine's RICHED20.DLL. You can try using Microsoft's RICHED20.DLL by running and selecting riched20.

This may let you work around the problem until the Wine developers fix the bug. 10.9.2 I deleted my Wine menu, and now I can't get it back Rather than actually delete anything, menu editors on Unix desktops simply mark menu entries as hidden so that they don't show up in the menu. Thus, they remain hidden after reinstalling the application. First, see if these menu entries can be found your menu editor and re-enabled. This information is stored in /.config/menus/ Edit /.config/menus/ and you should find a section near the end that looks similar to this: wine-wine or perhaps this: wine-wine wine-Programs wine-Programs-AutoHotkey /home/user/.local/share/desktop-directories Remove the line and your Wine menu will reappear.

10.9.3 16-bit applications fail to start See. For 64 bit Linux Kernels 3.15+, 3.14.6+, 3.10.42+, 3.13.22+, 3.4.92+ and 3.2.60+. You'll need to run: # echo 1 /proc/sys/abi/ldt16 as root, but be aware that this has security implications. If your kernel is older than the above stated versions /proc/sys/abi/ldt16 most likely will be missing. The security fix is espfix64 and as of yet only exists in development branch for 3.16 Linux Kernel.

At some point in a future I will put a list of kernels containing the security fix as it most likely will be backported when it is tested. Doing /proc/sys/abi/ldt16 will be required on the security fixed kernels just like the current insecure ones. 10.9.4 Input doesn't work over SSH When using Wine over SSH, you must run in 'trusted X11 forwarding' mode. For OpenSSH, this means using '-Y' instead of '-X'. See for example.

Re: building error and solution regarding the x11 pathology

This is about compiling the GLFW library itself. For information on how to build applications that use GLFW, see. Using CMake GLFW uses to generate project files or makefiles for a particular development environment. If you are on a Unix-like system such as Linux or FreeBSD or have a package system like Fink, MacPorts, Cygwin or Homebrew, you can simply install its CMake package.

If not, you can download installers for Windows and OS X from the. Note CMake only generates project files or makefiles. It does not compile the actual GLFW library. To compile GLFW, first generate these files for your chosen development environment and then use them to compile the actual GLFW library. Dependencies Once you have installed CMake, make sure that all other dependencies are available. On some platforms, GLFW needs a few additional packages to be installed. See the section for your chosen platform and development environment below.

Dependencies for Visual C on Windows The Microsoft Platform SDK that is installed along with Visual C already contains all the necessary headers, link libraries and tools except for CMake. Dependencies for MinGW or MinGW-w64 on Windows Both the MinGW and the MinGW-w64 packages already contain all the necessary headers, link libraries and tools except for CMake. Dependencies for MinGW or MinGW-w64 cross-compilation Both Cygwin and many Linux distributions have MinGW or MinGW-w64 packages. For example, Cygwin has the mingw64-i686-gcc and mingw64-x8664-gcc packages for 32- and 64-bit version of MinGW-w64, while Debian GNU/Linux and derivatives like Ubuntu have the mingw-w64 package for both. GLFW has CMake toolchain files in the CMake/ directory that allow for easy cross-compilation of Windows binaries.

To use these files you need to add a special parameter when generating the project files or makefiles. Cmake -DCMAKETOOLCHAINFILE=CMake/x8664-w64-mingw32.cmake. For more details see the article on the CMake wiki. Once you have this set up, move on to. Dependencies for Xcode on OS X Xcode comes with all necessary tools except for CMake.

The required headers and libraries are included in the core OS X frameworks. Xcode can be downloaded from the Mac App Store or from the ADC Member Center. Once you have Xcode installed, move on to. Dependencies for Linux and X11 To compile GLFW for X11, you need to have the X11 packages installed, as well as the basic development tools like GCC and make. For example, on Ubuntu and other distributions based on Debian GNU/Linux, you need to install the xorg-dev package, which pulls in all header packages. Once you have installed the necessary packages, move on to.

Generating build files with CMake Once you have all necessary dependencies it is time to generate the project files or makefiles for your development environment. CMake needs to know two paths for this: the path to the root directory of the GLFW source tree (i.e. Not the src subdirectory) and the target path for the generated files and compiled binaries. If these are the same, it is called an in-tree build, otherwise it is called an out-of-tree build. One of several advantages of out-of-tree builds is that you can generate files and compile for different development environments using a single source tree.

Note This section is about generating the project files or makefiles necessary to compile the GLFW library, not about compiling the actual library. Generating files with the CMake command-line tool To make an in-tree build, enter the root directory of the GLFW source tree (i.e.

Not the src subdirectory) and run CMake. The current directory is used as target path, while the path provided as an argument is used to find the source tree. Cmake Once you have generated the project files or makefiles for your chosen development environment, move on to. Generating files with the CMake GUI If you are using the GUI version, choose the root of the GLFW source tree as source location and the same directory or another, empty directory as the destination for binaries.

Re: Building Error And Solution Regarding The X11 Path Of Exile

Choose Configure, change any options you wish to, Configure again to let the changes take effect and then Generate. Once you have generated the project files or makefiles for your chosen development environment, move on to. Compiling the library You should now have all required dependencies and the project files or makefiles necessary to compile GLFW.

Go ahead and compile the actual GLFW library with these files, as you would with any other project. Once the GLFW library is compiled, you are ready to build your applications, linking it to the GLFW library. See for more information. CMake options The CMake files for GLFW provide a number of options, although not all are available on all supported platforms. Some of these are de facto standards among projects using CMake and so have no GLFW prefix.

If you are using the GUI version of CMake, these are listed and can be changed from there. If you are using the command-line version of CMake you can use the ccmake ncurses GUI to set options. Some package systems like Ubuntu and other distributions based on Debian GNU/Linux have this tool in a separate cmake-curses-gui package. Finally, if you don't want to use any GUI, you can set options from the cmake command-line with the -D flag.