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(ODL) is a popular open-source SDN controller framework. To learn more about OpenDaylight, it is helpful to use it to manage an emulated network of virtual switches and virtual hosts. Most people use the Mininet network emulator to create a virtual SDN network for OpenDaylight to control. In this post, I will show how to set up OpenDaylight to control an emulated Mininet network using OpenFlow 1.3. Because I am using virtual machines, the procedure I use will work the same in all commonly used host systems: Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. Using Virtual Machines In this lab example, I will use two virtual machines.

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One will run the Mininet emulated network and the other will run the OpenDaylight controller. I will connect both VMs to a host-only network so they can communicate with each other and with programs running on the host computer, such as ssh and the X11 client. I will that I downloaded from the, which is the easiest way to experiment with Mininet. The Mininet project team provides an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS VM image with Mininet 2.2.1, Wireshark and OpenFlow dissector tools already installed and ready to use. I will install and run the OpenDaylight SDN controller on a new VM I create in VirtualBox.

Setting up the OpenDaylight Virtual Machine To build the OpenDaylight virtual machine, I from the web site. Then I installed it in a new VM in VirtualBox. If you need directions on how to install an ISO disk image in a VirtualBox virtual machine, please see my. Give the virtual machine a descriptive name.

I named the virtual machine OpenDaylight. Configure it so it uses two CPUs and 2 GB or RAM. This is the minimum configuration to support OpenDaylight.

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Then add a host-only network adapter to the VM. When the VM is powered off, click on the Settings button. Connecting network adapter 2 to the host-only network Configure OpenDaylight VM interfaces By default, the VM’s first network adapter is attached to the VirtualBox NAT interface and is already configured when the VM boots up. We need to configure the second network adapter, which is attached to the VirtualBox host-only interface vboxnet0. OpenDaylight running in a virtual machine Install OpenDaylight features Next, install the minimum set of features required to test OpenDaylight and the OpenDaylight GUI: opendaylight-user@root feature:install odl-restconf odl-l2switch-switch odl-mdsal-apidocs odl-dlux-all The above is an example of installing optional modules in a karaf container. You only need to install an optional feature once. Once installed, these features are permanently added to the controller and will run every time it starts.

We installed the following features. Click on each feature to learn more about it:.: Allows access to RESTCONF API.: Provides network functionality similar to an Ethernet switch.: Allows access to Yang API.: OpenDaylight graphical user interface To list all available optional features, run the command: opendaylight-user@root feature:list To list all installed features, run the command: opendaylight-user@root feature:list -installed Information about OpenDaylight optional features is available on the OpenDaylight wiki. Stop OpenDaylight When you want to stop the controller, enter the key combination or type system:shutdown or logout at the opendaylight-user prompt. Set up the Mininet Virtual Machine I do not cover all the steps required to set up the Mininet VM in this post because I already covered that topic in another post:.

Start the Mininet VM in the VirtualBox Manager. Now we should have two VMs running: OpenDaylight VM and Mininet VM. If we started the OpenDaylight VM first, it will have IP address and the mininet VM will receive the second available IP address on the host-only network, 192,168.56.102. Interfaces Yang UI is a data modelling structure.

Engineers who work with hardware routers and switches will be familiar with another data modeling structure based on SNMP, SMI, and MIB. Yang provides functionality in SDN switches that is analogous to SMI for non-SDN switches.

The OpenDaylight Yang UI is a graphical client for building and sending REST requests to the OpenDaylight data store. We can use the Yang UI to get information from the data store, or to build REST commands to modify information in the data store — changing network configurations. Click on the Yang UI tab. Then click on the Expand all button to see all available APIs. Not all of them will work because we did not install all features.


One API that will work is the Inventory API. Click on it, then navigate down to the nodes attribute and click on the Send button to send the GET API method to the controller. Yang data model of the network Scroll down to see all the inventory information about the network: nodes, ports, statistics, etc.

Click on the switches and interfaces to see the details of each. Understanding the Yang data model and learning how to read and write to the data store is key to understanding Software Defined Networking with the OpenDaylight controller. Capturing OpenFlow Messages To dive deeper into how SDN controllers and switches operate, you may want to view the OpenFlow messages exchanged between the controller and switches in the network. The Mininet VM comes with installed, with a custom version of the already set up. So the easiest way to view OpenFlow messages is to start Wireshark on the Mininet VM and capture data on the interface connected to the host-only network, which is eth0 in this case. Open a new terminal window and connect to the Mininet VM using SSH with X Forwarding enabled (or use Putty and Xming if you are using Windows): brian@T420:$ ssh -X Start Wireshark on the Mininet VM: mininet@mininet-vm:$ sudo wireshark & You will see a warning dialog but you can ignore it. Starting Wireshark with root privileges is a security risk but, for our simple testing, we can ignore that — or you can follow the directions in the warning message to set up Wireshark in a more secure way.

Create a display filter for OpenFlow messages. Enter the text, of in the Filter window and click on Apply. Now you will see only OpenFlow messages in the Wireshark display, as shown below. Viewing captured OpenFlow messages in Wireshark Shut down the project When it is time to end the project, shut down Mininet and OpenDaylight using the following commands: On the Mininet VM, stop Mininet and clean up the node, then shut down the VM: mininet exit mininet@mininet:$ sudo mn -c mininet@mininet:$ sudo shutdown -h now On the OpenDaylight VM, stop OpenDaylight and shut down the VM: opendaylight-user@root system:shutdown brian@odl:$ sudo shutdown -h now Both VMs should now show that they are stopped in the VirtualBox Manager application. Conclusion We showed how to install OpenDaylight in a virtual machine and connect it to the Mininet network emulator running on another virtual machine. We demonstrated some features of OpenDaylight and showed how to capture OpenFlow messages exchanged between the controller and the emulated switches. Hi, I’m having issues installing the additional features and keep getting the following sorts of messages: Error executing command: Can’t install feature odl-restconf/0.0.0: Could not start bundle mvn:org.opendaylight.yangtools/concepts/0.8.0-Beryllium in feature(s) odl-yangtools-common-0.8.0-Beryllium: The bundle “org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts0.8.0.Beryllium 1251” could not be resolved.

Reason: Missing Constraint: Require-Capability:; filter=”(&(” I updated my Java to v1.7 but haven’t been able to fix the problem. Any suggestions? Hi Brian, Your tutorial was immensely helpful. I have followed everything step by step.

There were no issues during installation and I can ping from one vm to the other. But whenever I try to create a mininet topology using the remote controller (as you have mentioned in your tutorial) I see “unable to connect to controller”. Also I get an error message for “ovs” switch. Could you please help me solve this issue? I am completely new to this and I have a project due very soon for my semester exam. I tried you procedure. But the ping fails.

Pinv@pinv-sys:$ sudo mn –topo linear,3 –mac –controller=remote,ip=,port=8181 –switch ovs,protocols=OpenFlow13. Creating network. Adding controller. Adding hosts: h1 h2 h3.

Adding switches: s1 s2 s3. Adding links: (h1, s1) (h2, s2) (h3, s3) (s2, s1) (s3, s2). Configuring hosts h1 h2 h3. Starting controller c0. Starting 3 switches s1 s2 s3. Starting CLI: mininet ping all.

Unknown command: ping all mininet h1 ping h2 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmpseq=1 Destination Host Unreachable. My name is Nam. I come from VietNamese. I use English Language is not well. So please try to understand my issue.

First,Thanks you very much for writing this blog. However, I got an issue when following the steps mentioned to start the Mininet. Below is detail: Step 1: Set up and start OpenDayLight namvo@ubuntu:/distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium$./bin/karaf OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512m; support was removed in 8.0.

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/ / / / / ` / / // Y / / / ( / / / / / / / / / / // / Hit ” for a list of available commands and ‘cmd –help’ for help on a specific command. Hit ” or type ‘system:shutdown’ or ‘logout’ to shutdown OpenDaylight. Hi Pawash, I do such your suggestions. However, I get an issue when installing the feature of OpenDayLight. Hi Pawash, I did such as your suggestions. However, I got an issue when installing the feature of OpenDayLight.

Hi, remove “=” between “controller” and “remote”, and use a double dash “–” instead of single dash “-” it will be fine.